Sunday, October 25, 2009

Run Gear Run 8 Miler

So this blog was never meant to be an exercise blog or a diet does seem that way lately, though, doesn't it? Yesterday (October 25) Ashley and I ran the Run Gear Run 8 Miler in Comfort, Texas.

I got there early and was REALLY FREAKED was dark, we parked in this field in the boondocks, and all I could see was tall, skinny, fast looking people around me. I sat in my car to keep warm (it was 41 degrees out) until I saw Ash and then we got in the very back of the line behind the teeny tiny start carpet.

What happened after the start announcement can only be described as complete mayhem. The trails were so small and there were big groups of chatty ladies spread out across the width with NO getting by. At once point Ashley and I almost stopped and walked back to get breakfast. After about 2 miles the way cleared and we could run/walk/skip about as we liked. It was absolutely the most challenging, hilly course I've ever run. We ran about a mile up a steep hill and I swear if I'd gone any slower I'd have been going backwards!

I told Sam the night before that my goal was to run less than 11:30min/miles. I made my goal by 4 seconds. They had chili, jalepenos, cheese, and beer at the finish line! Woot! Sorry, no pictures from this race - we peaced out pretty much as soon as it was over to hit up the biggest and best TJ Maxx store in San Antonio (on the way home:-)

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